Snaps and photos
Transcripts old school.
Helen Caldicott in Nashville, Tennessee. 1978.
Flores, coast road to Tikal and the Jaguar Inn. Guatemala. 1987
Office picnic with Geoffrey Wild and wife-to-be Libby mid sixties.
On location Nevada chasing the atomic bomb.
Hinch and Laurie - late 90’s

Angenieux zoom lens contraption, ABC soundman leaning in with Sennheiser to Josephine Abaijah, Papaun Separatist in Port Moresby. 1970’s.
Bedford Stone yards outside NYC. Excellent bluestone and other varieties pricey but good. I preferred going to the source in Hancock.
Jeannine Honicker at home. Filming for “Nuclear Nashville”.
The Unheeded Message of the Holocaust. Poster for Jan Karsk interview.
WBAI studio in the eighties- 39th St. , NYC.
Havana, Cuba
Honicker V. Henry, Supreme Court challenge - Village Voice photo by Russell Honicker of his mother and lawyers Albert Bates and Joel Kosinski from The Farm in Tennessee - the spark for “Nuclear Nashville”. 1978.
With Jeff McMullen on on the road in the southwest.
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